What the Url says. :D

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

For my faithful readers. Something happened to my blog. I don't really know what happen.
maybe this deuschebag called theodog(theodore) didn't want everyone to find out that his girlfriend is a fatfuck, a fatty bom bom. thighs the size that can compete to an elephant's, her chest.. erm.. i think proportioned? or maybe less. okok then her face is as round as a garbage can lid. its all true, for real no kidding, from the bottom of my heart.
i would rather fuck a horse than fuck her.

In my previous post, previous blog, before it got deleted off. i said the truth(similar to what i wrote up there) , like what we say the truth hurts, so my whole blog got deleted off, the customized template, the posts all gone.
my babygirl's blog also got deleted off.
the only thing i can suspect is that, the deuschebag(who knows my acc name and pass cause he was my good friend last time) logged in and deleted them off.

i think this person has no integrity or whatsoever, does things and hide. doesn't face it. what a pussy. then OH i forgot to tell ur What happened right XD oops

"first he insulted my girlfriend, called her nasty nasty things, then i confront him, he tries to turn it around and save his sorry ass, and won't settle it and tries to avoid, then we talked to his girlfriend, she is useless, she is totally controlled by him, she's scared of him, she doesn't stand up for what's right although she knows her bf is in the wrong. fucked up man. like a doll. pull the strings and she works."
summed up version :D

So i decided to talk it out in a gentlemanly way, he doesnt want to, he won't come out and meet me to talk, then he uses the Authorities to threaten me, want to present the msgs i sent him as a threat. so i choose to talk through by talking to his GF cause he is a gutless balless egoistic mouse that try to avoid and give excuses after he has caused trouble.

side note - he doesn't like the Gf to talk to us(me and my gf) cause he doesn't want her to find out what's going on. So she is like a doll like what i say, she is just being told to do this and do that. No mind of her own.

Adding on. Since he is so scared then i just make peace by telling him, we leave him alone and the gf, and they leave us alone too. BUT he won't, he is worse than a parasite, worse than the taxpayers who come after you for not paying the bills. HE STILL MSG ME!! he is dam childish and immature. he is clearly in the wrong, he consoles his own ego by praising himself saying that i'm a loser, i can never outsmart him, he wins and all.
What does he benefit? he lost a friendship. moron right. but nvm i just pity the girlfriend

Now i'll just have to rebuild my blog up again. lost all the links and stuff. Emergency post this is. :D


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